Saturday, April 12, 2008


was amazing.

i love crissy. She definatley does not act her age. She acts older.

We ate bingsoo and Boba. talked about asians. Straightened my hair. Ate cheese products. Took millions of pictures. Enjoyed a nice fire. Burned our secrets. Talked about music. Listened to African queen millions of times. Sat by a "lake". Drank Koolade. Did stoopid stuff like that. It was fun.

I think i wanna marry the asian kid who works at Fresco. mmmmmm.

Reasons to marry fresco teenage asian.

1. He's Asian.
2. He works at fresco.
3.He's Asian.
4. He's older.
5. He's Asian.
6. Did i mention he's Asian?
7. Oh yeah, he's also Asian.
8. my mom wants me to Marry an Asian.

i think i have a thing for asians.
i shall marry!

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