Saturday, April 12, 2008


was amazing.

i love crissy. She definatley does not act her age. She acts older.

We ate bingsoo and Boba. talked about asians. Straightened my hair. Ate cheese products. Took millions of pictures. Enjoyed a nice fire. Burned our secrets. Talked about music. Listened to African queen millions of times. Sat by a "lake". Drank Koolade. Did stoopid stuff like that. It was fun.

I think i wanna marry the asian kid who works at Fresco. mmmmmm.

Reasons to marry fresco teenage asian.

1. He's Asian.
2. He works at fresco.
3.He's Asian.
4. He's older.
5. He's Asian.
6. Did i mention he's Asian?
7. Oh yeah, he's also Asian.
8. my mom wants me to Marry an Asian.

i think i have a thing for asians.
i shall marry!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I'm not exactly sure what i'm doing here, writing this.
But i think in a way it will help me figure myself out. How my mind works.
POssibly this will do absolutely nothing and i'm wasting my time?
I guess we shall see. I've tried keeping a journal, but i cant seem to keep up with it.
A very amazing person inspired me to start one of these.

Maybe you know him? This is his blog.

I can hear the steady breathing of a sleeping Nikki behind me. It's amazing, how two people can go from hating each other so much, to absolutely loving. We spent the night with my dearest friend jessica, at the movies and going for ice cream. Through out the whole night i kept thinking about how something as simple as being with my friends can put that feeling of joy in my heart.

Have you ever wondered about connections?
My minds been full of wondering. How we are all connected, like a strand of pearls.
No matter how far apart the two pearls are they are still on the same peaice of string(or whatever it is). Our hearts are affected by others.

We all have different purposes in life. Yet our hearts and our bodys work in the same way. We all feel euphoria. and pain. we laugh and we cry for all different reasons. It's one of thoes things where you have to take a step back and admire the whole thing....because we are all just creations, made by someone so much more amazing than us, we were made to connect, and to LOVE unconditionally. And thats exactly what me and my friends are trying to do. Show the world what we were really put on this planet to do.